Carlo Mongiello | Software Developer - Personal Projects

Personal Projects

All For Nought


Classic Tic Tac Toe game built with Unity its main feature is a network versus mode using the Steamworks API for the windows build and a TCP messaging solution I designed for the Play Store build. The game also features 4 levels of computer AI and local play for 2 players on one device. Analytics was added using the "Game Analytics" SDK for Unity. It was a fun project where I learned a lot about Unity UI and networking. The game was released in September 2020 on Steam, Play Store and

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A side scrolling space shooter game released on the Google PlayStore in March 2019. Written in C# the project was completed in about a month using a non-engine framework provided by a colleague. Game features include 25 levels, 4 bosses, power-ups, secrets, parallax backgrounds, achievements, leader-boards and in-app advertisements.

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A classic pong clone which grew out of a desire to get more familiar with SOLID design principles such as Dependency Injection. I wrote a simple layer on top of monogame and used it to build a game where I could practice using DI and interface segregation. The game uses the accelerometer for controlling the player paddle on Android.

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Sudoku Solver


This small application first builds a sudoku board and tries to solve it using recursive backtracking. This project is in a good position to be built into a full-fledged sudoku game.

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